There’s nothing quite like dining in the sky.

One meal at the famed Chateau Eza restaurant in Èze Village and you’ll be spoiled for life my loves.  We spent a glorious lunch at the 400-year-old luxury chateau overlooking the French Riviera and left with bellies satiated and our head in the clouds.  Previously the Prince of Sweden’s private residence, we seriously felt like we were floating around in his opulent castle after this luxurious meal.

Chateau Eza 

Rue de la Pise | Eze Village | 06360 France
The award-winning restaurant features panoramic water views, multiple private terraces, indoor glass-edged dining space, and a gorgeous tea room where the entire restaurant originally evolved from.  Now that’s what I call fine dining!



Aside from the a la carte menu, lunch and dinner services include a prix-fixe option from the degustation menu.  Le hubs chose a la carte while I savored the specials of the day from the seasonal menu.

Menu du Chateau (Mine)

Red Mullet fillet “Ratatouille” served in vegetable essence

White seabream with fennel, citrus and shellfish cooked in sauvignon
Spring freshness- rhubarb, strawberry, and vanilla

A La Carte Menu (His)

Grilled duck Foie Gras, first strawberry, and rhubarb vanilla compote
Octopus and steamed lobster with aioli sauce, small winter vegetables, shellfish
Assorted french pastries

The Vibe

Quiet, private and peacefully serene, the air of opulence could definitely intimidate some, but for us (while on our honeymoon, mind you) it was the perfect setting for romance and reverie.  Sitting at the meal, across from my love, with the Mediterranean Sea below us and the gorgeous lush hillside beyond, I swear I had little red hearts dancing from my goo-goo eyes y’all.  Seriously, felt like I was dreaming, the experience was transcendental to say the least.  But I’m often known to get lost in my thoughts and create some drama while I’m at it, lol.  Hey, what can I say?  I’m an idealist, have we met??



Thank you for reading and ICYMI… Catch my entire French Riviera Travel Diaries below…


Bon Appétit mes amis!





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