Not only are they total foodies (yes, like the rest of y’all I’m sure), but they live and die fine dining and haute cuisine. So much in fact that the losers of superfluous amounts of random bets are left to devise, conceptualize, cook, and execute multiple course meals with wine pairings, molecular gastronomy, gold leafed desserts…the whole SHABANG!
Ok, only kidding on those last few, but remember THIS? They don’t mess around mang! The beauty of these bets is that I get to just sit back, relax, snap a few pix, down a few shots and simply get served! I don’t bet, but I ALWAYS feel like #winning!

Lobster bisque with a shot of sherry
Raw Scallop wrapped in fresh cucumber (they swiped some before I could get a clean shot!)
Fresh crab, spicy aioli, avocado mash, with a side of soy air 
Fresh Hamachi salad on homemade wonton skin

Braised octopus on popcorn puree
Crispy Pig ear with quail egg
Gourmet Beef and broccoli

lallalalalaallaLOBSTER! Although, I’m allergic, phooooey!
Crispy Pork Belly with truffle mashed potatoes

Roasted Bone Marrow with sauteed leaks atop toasted baguette…
My FAVE of the night…look at the dripping gooey goodness…Yuuuummmmmm!

Love you BOL and Bolsa Kings, you da best!
Cheers to yet another incredibly FANTASTICAL shindig!
Pays to have FABULOUS friends, dontcha think?!
Hope y’all celebrate an AwesomO weekend!
Thanks for reading and I’ll cya on the flip side!


  1. I'm jealous of your friendship with your friends. The Lobster bisque with a shot of sherry, Crispy Pig ear with quail egg, and Fresh Hamachi salad on homemade wonton skin look so good. I tried to throw together a cute little get together with different things and my boyfriend's friends and my associates looked at me like I was crazy but they loved the alcohol. Yes, your friends are the coolest! Love your outfit for that gathering.

  2. That looks so good! Asian fusion, I think? I'm allergic to lobster too! It stinks.
    xx maggie

  3. I miss events with friends like this in Los Angeles. I don't get to attend such events now that I live in chicago.
    Looks like you had some fabulous eating!

  4. ahhh, it makes me hungry. i want it!

    by the way, i make a (maga)zine called Spark. The third issue, The Journey, is already out. You can read it here http://issuu.com/spark_zine/docs/spark_issue__3
    It would be so lovely if you read it and email Spark what do you think about it.
    And if you want to contribute, just email Spark and tell what do you want to contribute (it could be writing, review, photograph, literally everything that you want to share).
    Thank you very much.

    Spark | email : sparkzine@rocketmail.com | twitter : spark_zine

  5. I've said it a million times (often to myself), and I'll say it again. I love the stunning visuals on your blog. Parties, outfits, FOOD, decor, everything. If Food Porn Friday was a magazine, I'd subscribe to it for the rest of my life.

    Yuni @ the|next|obsession

  6. That was quite a party. Sushi, crab, lobsters, vodka… better than any 5 star restaurant treat. Who'd share the recipes for these?

  7. Wow everything looks fabulous! Love the cheese plate and charcuterie, and the hamachi, and the wrapped cucumber! Delicious!

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