I met my darling Trammy-Poo in Portland the summer of 2001.

Friends Forever

Fast forward some 12 years later and what started out as a slow, gradual friendship quickly cultivated into a sisterly bond that’s surprised us both throughout the years. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve argued, we’ve agreed, we’ve partied ‘til the wee hours of the morn, and we’ve grown to accept that we really can’t party like that now in our *gasp* old age. We’ve seen one another through highs and lows, through failed relationships and growing pains. Writing this now I’m elated to announce that we’ve come full circle to celebrate my besty’s wedding as she’s finally found the ONE!

To the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Vo- Congratulations!!!




  1. OMG honey in cute jars as wedding
    gifts = best wedding gift I've
    seen so far! The wedding is beyond
    gooorgeous! What a beautiful
    location and the pictures are so
    beautifully made! c: Xx

  2. What a gorgeous event! It looks like it was a memorable and enjoyable wedding! 🙂 XO

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